
smenso has hundreds of useful features that can be customized to meet any need – new features are added every month.



Powerful features to look at your project portfolio

2 portfolio list neutralized

Portfolio list view

The tabular list view on the portfolio provides high flexibility and a good overview. Custom flavors (fields) can be displayed as well as project master data to monitor progress and status of the whole portfolio.

Portfolio board

Look at projects in a kanban-like board view? With smenso you can view projects from many different angles.

Portfolio timeline

A timeline on a portfolio level: Select projects and visualize the planned project period in a timeline.

Portfolio analysis

Configurable charts (bubble charts, bar charts, etc.) can be used to create cross-project reports.

Project features

Master all types of projects as well as the "daily business"

Manage tasks

All your project tasks in one place and available to the whole team. Set up your own views, view tasks according to your preference in a list or board view, assign due dates, schedule tasks on the timeline and much more.

Kanban-Board im Projektmanagement


Schedule efforts in tasks and monitor progress and workload across the team with simple, visual cues. Resolve conflicts with drag and drop, use custom groupings or filtering to keep the best overview.


Budget monitoring

Edit planned and actual costs in one element and analyze the budget situation over the entire project. Various widgets offer analysis options for plan/actual comparisons.

Effort estimates

Plan and estimate your efforts (in hours) in tasks, use this information for workload management, compare plan with actual times (optionally also from time tracking) and much more.


The feed (activity log) is the logbook for the project. You can use it to track all important changes in the project. It is provided as a widget in the project overview.

Project templates

You can define each project as a template project. This way, e.g. master data, contained tasks, dependencies or flavors are taken over. This way, the creation of a new project can be done quickly.


One database - many perspectives

Work with drag and drop tiles and keep
the overview of simple projects.
List / Table If you want to have the best overview, use the list views! Available for the portfolio or in the project. Timeline Visualize deadlines and dependencies, milestones
and degrees of completion in the timeline.
The Portfolio Timeline offers a bird's eye view on all or selected projects Portfolio Timeline Available soon Gantt Views of time histories and dependencies including
displayed list view.
With the help of user-defined widgets, various
information is displayed. You determine arrangement, size and content.
The status view of a project helps keep track of the health and progress of the project. Status Feedback Writing status report is good, getting feedback on
the project from the team is even better!

Manage tasks

The task - a core element with versatile features

Edit tasks details

The task element can represent many things. The detail view offers numerous possibilities to individualize the task. Show groups of flavors, enter priorities, dates, efforts, costs or use the powerful editor for detailed descriptions.
Ausführliche Beschreibungen in smenso Aufgaben


Is the task too large? Break it down to meaningful subtasks, directly in the task detail or in the list view.

Bulk editing

Bulk selection and processing in the list view allows you to update a larger set of tasks (and subtasks) simultaneously.

Assign one or more people

Tasks can be assigned to one or more people. Even entire groups can be assigned.

My tasks

A quick filter (Me Mode) or the "My Tasks" view always shows the tasks you are involved in.


Easily define a task as a milestone. Milestones can be recognized system-wide by a 🔷 symbol.


Quickly and easily create and check off checklists - essential for productive project work.

Task templates

Every task can be saved as a template and applied to new or existing tasks.

Status updates

Create or request regular status updates on projects and goals

Status dashboard

In various widgets, the status of the project can be viewed from every angle.

Status Dashboard im Projekt in smenso


A status update should be added quickly and easily. The template feature for status reports makes adding status updates very easy. For example, fill the template with relevant flavors that will be pre-filled and fixed at the time of publication.

Status reports

Output status reports as printable PDFs, upload a project logo and determine which content from the project status should be inserted, and there you have it: a proper print output.


Customize smenso according to your own processes and specifications

Flavors sind benutzerdefinierte Felder in smenso

Flavors (custom fields)

Flavors are user-defined fields that you can name as you wish and assign specific values to. There are different types, e.g. selection fields, numeric values, date fields, text fields, people fields and many more.

Formeleditor in smenso

Calcula­tions and Formulas

You can use flavors of the type “Formula” for calculations between different system fields or flavors. Formulas can be used both at task level and at project level.

Statuswechsel Workflows mit Projektmanagement smenso

Custom workflows

A task always passes through several statuses until it is completed. Together, these statuses form a workflow that you can customize as you wish. Define specific workflows per project and much more.


Flavors of the the "Relation" type create links to other tasks or entire projects and display them in a structured and clear manner in lists and task or project details.

Shared views

You have built a perfect list view? Your process is completely reflected? Great, just share it with all team members in the workspace or with project stakeholders.


A status change can be subject to a approval request. Only when the person specified for approval has given the approval, the task changes to the desired status.

Teams / Groups

Unsure who to assign a task to? Assigning multiple people to private projects at the same time?
By defining teams, groups of people can be used in a variety of ways.


Improve teamwork with powerful project communication features

Email / in-app notifications

Notifications help you stay informed about all updates and changes in the system that affect you.

For example, @mentions, assigned tasks, updates in tasks, or as part of an approval process.


In all tasks within smenso (and also in status reports), it is possible to communicate via comments. Keeps the context transparent.


Use the @mention feature to make others on the team aware of certain things, such as changed descriptions of tasks.

Watch / follow

Even if you are not assigned, you can follow ("watch") selected tasks or whole projects to stay informed about all changes.


Data is created in projects every day - make something out of it

Insightful reporting

Configurable widgets are available at many points on the platform to analyze project data: for analyzing workloads across the portfolio, for risk assessments, and much more.

Once compiled, reports can be saved as views, shared or printed.

Project dashboard

Plan/actual comparisons of costs and efforts, workload management, general project progress or simply a nicely formatted project description - the project dashboard is the entry point to the project.

Portfolio analysis

Perfect overview of the entire project portfolio.

Risk analysis

Systematic risk management in projects increases the chances of achieving project goals. Identify risks & take action.

Workload management

Based on defined capacities, workloads can be analyzed in the timeline view.

PDF exports / prints

Configurable print outputs can be done in many places, e.g. for status reports or project profiles.

In addition, your custom logo can be stored per project. You will then be able to insert it in PDF exports / print outputs.

Funktionen Reporting Druckausgabe PDF-Export smenso

Times maintenance

Record & evaluate times for tasks

Zeiten in Aufgaben erfassen in smenso

Add time entries

Record times directly into tasks via fast entry or manually to log more information.

Benutzerdefinierte Felder für Zeiterfassung in smenso

Custom fields

Add custom fields to the dialog for time entries, which are important in your organization for analysis and approval.

Auswertung Meine Zeiten in Zeiterfassung Projektmanagement smenso

Time reports

Create detailed reports on the recorded times, create your own approval processes and create PDFs of e.g. billable times.

All Features


  • List view of the portfolio
  • Kanban Board View of the portfolio
  • Timeline view of the portfolio
  • Project simulations
  • Budget and progress analysis
  • Monitor project phases
  • Status reports
  • Status report templates
  • Status Dashboard
  • Progress monitoring
  • Obtain feedback from the team
  • Budget monitoring (plan vs. actual)
  • Maintain planned and actual effort
  • Resource management and utilisation
  • Risk Management
  • Project templates
  • Activity log
  • Board View (Kanban)
  • List view
  • Timeline view
  • Portfolio timeline view
  • Gantt view
  • Workload view
  • Widget Views
  • Assign one or more persons
  • Milestones
  • Subtasks
  • Checklists
  • File management
  • Mass processing / Multiselekt
  • Task templates
  • Avctivity log in tasks
  • Only me mode
  • All tasks list
  • Status reports
  • Status report templates
  • Status Dashboard
  • Status History
  • Forecast end date of the project
  • Partial status (dates, costs, targets)
  • Request status updates
  • Additional statuses (Pending, Paused, Cancelled, Completed)
  • Comments on status updates
  • User-defined fields
  • Calculated fields (formulas)
  • Custom workflows
  • Approval requests
  • User-defined groupings/li>
  • Custom filters
  • Manage teams
  • Relations and dependencies
  • User-defined views
  • Shared views
  • Add comments
  • @mentions (users and user groups)
  • Email notifications
  • In-app notifications
  • Follow tasks or projects
  • Standard project dashboards
  • Custom project dashboards
  • Standard Portfolio Dashboard
  • Custom Portfolio Dashboard
  • Workload evaluations
  • Risk evaluations
  • Reporting API
  • Time recording (manual or fast entry)
  • User-defined time evaluations
  • My times view
  • Global roles (admin, members, restricted members, reading members)
  • Invite guests with restricted rights
  • Individual editing rights for projects
  • Individual editing rights for tasks
  • Exporting different list views to Excel
  • Import tasks from Excel
  • Print views
  • Own logo for print output
  • Admin Center for member management
  • Microsoft Teams (Office Store App)
  • Microsoft Power Automate (1.000+ Integrations)
  • SAP (more Modules)
  • Open REST-API
  • Reporting-API
  • Microsoft Entra ID Active Directory

More features are added every month. Check out our release updates for the latest features!
Or our public roadmap for future features.

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