
Sven Flätchen

Dipl.-Kfm. | Head of Marketing
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Head of Marketing - Sven Flätchen

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Agiles Projektmanagement mit smenso
Tips & Tricks
Sven Flätchen

Agiles Projektmanagement, its four core values, and principles

We live in a fast-paced era, a time where digitalization has gained significant importance. Classical project management often reaches its limitations in many projects, especially when constant changes and new requirements from the client side are introduced while keeping the budget and fixed timeline unchanged. This is where agile project management comes into play, and in the following article, I will introduce its approach and core values.

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Projektmanagement in Marketing Agenturen
Sven Flätchen

Agencies and Project Management

Agencies often have to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. They need to manage tasks, deadlines, resources, budgets, and team members while constantly adjusting their priorities to achieve overarching goals. In marketing agencies, things can get quite hectic too. However, with the right management and a suitable project management software, this can be easily managed.

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Eventmanagement Projektmanagement mit smenso
Sven Flätchen

Efficient Event Management: Successfully Plan and Coordinate Events

Efficient event management requires careful planning and coordination. A great solution that can assist you with this is smenso, a cloud-based project management software. You will learn how to efficiently plan and coordinate events and the benefits that smenso provides in this regard. In particular, the template function allows you to effortlessly organize recurring events and save valuable time.

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Zeiterfassung im Projektmanagement - Zeitenpflege mit smenso
Tips & Tricks
Sven Flätchen

Time tracking in project management

Project management is a complex discipline that ensures the smooth execution of projects. One crucial component that is often overlooked is accurate time tracking. In this blog post, we will shed light on the importance of time tracking in project management and highlight the benefits of using specialized software like smenso.

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Projektmanagement bei Staädten und Kommunen mit smenso
Tips & Tricks
Sven Flätchen

Project management for public administration.

An effective project management system is essential for public administration, cities, and municipalities to successfully implement complex infrastructure projects. From planning new facilities to managing existing infrastructure, project management plays a crucial role in the public sector. Discover here how smenso supports public administration in realizing projects on time and cost-effectively.

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Projekte im Karnevalsverein
Tips & Tricks
Sven Flätchen

Chaos and Creativity: A Look Behind the Scenes of Project Management in the Carnival Club.

Helau and Alaaf! Dear jesters and carnival enthusiasts, are you ready for a wild ride through the world of project management in the carnival club? As we approach November 11th, we’ll immerse ourselves in the dazzling world of confetti catastrophes, costume creations, and unforgettable parades. But we won’t just talk about fun and creativity; we’ll also explore the fantastic smenso, taking project management in the carnival club to a whole new level.

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Agiles Projektmanagement: Scrum und Methoden fĂĽr den Erfolg
Tips & Tricks
Sven Flätchen

Achieving Success with Agile Methods and Scrum

Agile project management, particularly the Scrum method, has proven to be highly effective in today’s business world. In this blog post, we will delve into the fundamentals of agile methods and Scrum in project management. We will explain how these approaches enable flexible and efficient work, ultimately contributing to the success of a project.

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Top Bewertungen in der Kategorie Projektmanagement-Tools
Sven Flätchen

OMR award, smenso with top ratings

We are pleased to have received an award: the OMR Top Rated Badge. This award shows that our project management tool smenso has received top ratings from its customers and is particularly popular with its features. Many thanks to all who have given us such great ratings.

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structure projects
Sven Flätchen

What actually is a project?

The working world loves the term “project” and likes to put into it everything that might otherwise sound too mundane. So we ask ourselves the question, what is a project? smenso clarifies.

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Tips & Tricks
Sven Flätchen

Structure projects efficiently?

In order to successfully plan your projects and their execution, it is essential that you know all the important information and include it in your project plan. In this article, we will give you a general guide on how to approach planning and structure your projects efficiently.

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